Quality Home Education
The Place Where Learning Comes Alive!
A full day tutorial program making quality, homeschool education available to all families. Even if you work full time YOU CAN homeschool your child with the help of Infinite Wisdom Homeschool Tutorial Program. We bring learning to life.

Our mission is to create a sound foundation in each student with an exemplary educational curriculum based on how God will have us to succeed.
We offer homeschool classes in common core subject areas along with many extra-curricular courses and activities such as Spanish, African American History, P.E., Home Economics and Financial Literacy.
Our grade levels are K5-12th grade.
We offer tutoring for grades 1st-12th. We also offer S.A.T. and A
C.T. prep..
We also offer GED prep classes.
Our curriculum is a Faith Based curriculum Maryland State and Nationally Accredited.
Our curriculum is designed to educate our students with proper and factual knowledge.


My story is not mine, but my son, SeanMichael. My son has PTSD and ADD, and while in public schools, he was bullied and labeled Special Needs. I have been teaching for more than 20 years. I have taught every grade from Kindergarten to 8th Grade and work with Special Needs students, as well as, general education students. I knew my son was challenged but not in the way his teachers were suggesting. His classrooms were overcrowded with at least 28 students per classroom. There were way too many distractions for him. On any given day, SeanMichael could not tell me what he did in class. I tried everything even IEP/504. The tools that were supposed to be put in place for him NEVER HAPPENED. However, at the last meeting I called with all his teachers, I was told that my son would be held back because of his grades. Needless to say, I brought up everything that was supposed to happen to help my son that DID NOT TAKE PLACE! That was the last straw for me. That was his 5th grade year. I researched as much as I could about Homeschooling, quit my regular job, ordered the curriculum, rented my classroom space and dove right in to teaching him. By the end of his 7th grade year, his GPA had gone from 1.07 to a 3.25. He was able to focus more on what was required of him and followed his course of action by setting goals for himself and reaching them in his own time. Along the way, I began working with more students. Each student saw a dramatic increase in their grades and their parents were very pleased!
Founder and Homeschool Tutor
Tardaney "Domino" Addison
Sean Addison
Hello, I'm Sean Addison. I tutor students grades 1st-9th. My goal for students is to help clarify and solve specific academic concept problems. My classroom centered activities focuses are Reading Comprehension and Basic Math Skills.
I help students learn to apply tools gained through tutoring sessions in real time instructional school lessons. I also serve as a role-model for students. I feel my flexible teaching style, along with being positive, patient, consistent and having a sense of humor aide in creating and sustaining a supportive, dependable relationship with the individuals I work with.